It is early summer; the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season. Rivers and lakes are already cresting along with levees breaching due to heavy spring rain fall and melting winter snow. We can’t impede nature, but we can prepare for it.

Just as you make sure your home is stocked with batteries, flashlights, and non-perishable food items, you should also be prepared to build a flood protection barrier by having filled sandbags and plastic sheeting. Help to deter water from entering your homes and businesses by placing Visqueen or plastic sheeting in front of your doors from the ground bottom and upward onto doors and walls.Then create a wall of filled sandbags stacked approximately 3 feet high on top of the plastic sheet. You can also use the pyramid method (click on this informative link).

sandbag stacking technique


The sandbags and plastic sheeting work as a system where the weight of the sandbags secure the plastic sheeting in place. The plastic sheeting in turn prevents water from seeping into any gaps that might be between sandbags.

Contact us or call to order your sandbags and plastic sheeting today!